"I'm to the point with everything I've seen in the last five years, I don't think there is anything these stem cells can't do. While we can't say it will do something specific, I've seen such amazing things that only God and His medicine can do. I stand in awe of this awesome gift He has given us." reports Kat Rowoldt
I finally moved to the other side of the camera to share my story. I needed knee replacement, major back/neck surgery, hip surgery, both shoulders and both wrists too. I was a mess. Since receiving Infiniti Matrix, I have not needed any of those surgeries, plus my vision improved and I've had two documented medical miracles. I'm beyond impressed.
Al Edwards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
5 Heart Stents
Small Red Blood Cells
You can see the condition of his hands from the RA he has dealt with for years. After receiving these Regenerative Cell Factors, he is having tremendous results from his lungs, to his hands, to even his red blood cells now being normal size. The beginning of great things.
Karin Thomas
A frank discussion about
NEUROPATHY and the issues she struggled with for years.
Karin received her regenerative cell factors because she had not been able to smell or taste anything for 25 years. 4 days after her therapy, her coffee scared her because she could smell, and then taste. BUT - she also was dealing with another major issue - NEUROPATHY. She had a very extreme case.
Emily Pose
I discovered this friend of mine was dealing with breast cancer after she had already started treatment out of the country - having spent $45,000 for her first treatment. She has an amazing story that's unique. Her American doctor who works in Mexico was able to validate some amazing results after only 30 days of having received a lesser dose of the regenerative cells factors.
Carrol Schlett
Carrol would probably tell you to rethink taking up learning to ride a scooter at age 72, as it only took half a church parking lot to end her adventure and seriously damage her leg. Praise the Lord, she was already signed up to receive these regenerative cells factors. You've got to hear her story. Amazing!
Frank Rose
Probably not the best symptoms to have if you own a paintless dent repair business. He needed his shoulders back to work - and he got both of them. The amazing "extra" was the fact these regenerative cell factors took care of his Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever issues he had dealt with for four years too!
Rick Hamilton
1st Interview
Myastenia Gravis
Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Heart Disease
This man had some really serious issues going on in his body. Just a few years earlier when he was in the hospital, they told his wife he would not be coming home. He proved them wrong then - and now is once again proving their words wrong.
Rick Hamilton
2nd Interview
Adding Latest Updates
Plus Dental Report
Flat Feet No More
Rick brings a great report on several of his health issues he was dealing with, but added a great report on how his dentist could not find his cavity to fill. Plus, his flat feet that required shoe inserts to walk comfortably are no longer needed. Such a great story.
Karen Hamilton
We've all heard the TV commercials trying to reach the people who have been the victims of the water contamination at Camp LeJuene during that thirty year period of time. Both of her parents died of the illnesses reportedly happening to the people who lived there when the water was safe to drink. She also discovered a few other things too!
Charlie Lewis
Former Police Officer, he was suffering from degenerating discs in his neck and was hurting bad. He would also tell you his back and knees were painful too. I interviewed him just 12 days after receiving regenerative cell factors - WOW. His energy level is high and he boasts that being 71, he now feels 40.
Paul Schlett
Side Effects from Medications
Pastor Paul is now the energizer bunny! Wow! He has a great story to tell about raking leaves up from his 28 trees on his property in Missouri. He's had great results, things he never considered. His brain fog and speech issues have cleared up. Take a listen - it's a great testimonial.
LaFonda Birdcreek
Torn Rotator Cuff
Numb Fingers & Toes
Knees Hurting
As a retired Police Officer and Park Ranger, LaFonda's body had some wear and tear to it. She was absolutely amazed when her shoulder pain was completely gone the first day. The healing process had begun. Wow.
Wanda Dantzler
Wow! What a testimony. This is one you have to hear. Pain is gone, neck moving freely with full range, and so much more. This report is only one month into having Infiniti Matrix.

Concerning these testimonials....
Christian Reporter News interviewed each of these individuals about their results after having received Infiniti Matrix Stem Cell Therapy. There was no compensation for their testimonial.
Additionally, in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:
Federal regulations require us to advise you that all reviews, testimonials, and/or endorsements of any kind reflect the personal experience of those individuals who have expressed their own personal opinions and that those opinions and experiences may not be representative of what every consumer may personally experience with the endorsement.
All reviews and testimonials are the sole opinions, findings, and/or experiences of the people sharing their stories. They are not compensated in any way.
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise, that represents or infers that these statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and/or prevention of any disease.
These testimonials do not imply similar results would or could happen to you.
These testimonials are not intended to diagnose for specific illness or conditions, nor as treatment to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications.
We make no medical claim as to the benefits of anything to improve medical conditions.