Pastor Thomas
Pastor Jeffers tell his incredible story of his feet swelling so bad he had to wear shoes 2 sizes larger for weeks until it stopped. The pain was unimaginable. In just 3 days he experienced an amazing relief and such joy and excitement filled him as he walked and ran!
Alma Jackson
Her knee hurt. It hurt to get in and out of her car. How on earth was the pain gone by the time she walked out of the office where she received her injection? She doubted it for days. Finally, she had to accept the fact her pain was gone and it had really happened. She quickly shared her story as we awaited the 25 guests on their way to her home for a private presentation. Her friends needed to know about this!
Bob Leimkiller
I interviewed him just 3 weeks after receiving Infiniti Matrix and he had such amazing results already to report. The first thing he noticed was the pain in his knee was gone the next day, tailbone pain was gone, and his elevated blood sugar levels are way down and he is off of insulin. He has lots of healing needed in his body and he is off to a great start!
Pastor Bill Byers
I'll never forget the call from Bill a few days after he received Infiniti Matrix. He was blown away with his results. He was pain free in his hip after riding his motorbike the next day from Texas to Florida. Six weeks later he found himself at what he felt like was death's door with Covid. Thankful he had his cells to pull him through it.
Dr. Julianne Martiny
ACL and torn meniscus were disabling pain for her. She was doing pain management shots every six months. In three weeks the pain is virtually gone, her torn rotator cuff now has full range of movement, and she can once again properly aim a gun!
Faye Byers
Faye quickly runs through a list of things that once were in an issue in her body - but no longer: thyroid, pain in her heart, vision, bunions, and carpal tunnel. She has checked these issues off of her list. At the moments is awaiting a bone spur to dissolve in her hip and new cartilage to regrow - but she's off to a great start.
Gary Houston
Only one month after Infiniti Matrix Gary is reporting his vision has improved and is now 20/20. Additionally, his eye pressure is way down too. He is delighted to report he is sleeping better now because the inflammation in his hips is down. These are two critical issues for someone who in retirement drives the local bus to help them out.
Carol Houston
Glaucoma, Arthritis, Painful Walking, Torn Rotator, etc.
Carol's eye doctor is thrilled with the results they see with eye pressure coming down. Her medical doctor told her Infinit Matrix were the best stem cells out there. She invited her chiropractor to come hear about this, and he ended up getting cells for himself. She is so excited with the results she is already seeing.
Excited & Showing Off!
A Healing Journey
Diane Kirkwood is on a healing journey. We are documenting her journey because there are others who will need a process of healing. I'll let her tell her story, but she received 35 radiation treatments on head/eyes. The damage it caused has to heal and regenerate so restoration can follow. We are believing for her double vision/cross-eyed situation to be coming to an end. Here are the first 3 interview clips discussing her journey and together we believe the next video will be her grand finale!
Non-functioning Adrenals
Thyroid Issues
No Energy
Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy
(which has caused the double vision)

Concerning these testimonials....
Christian Reporter News interviewed each of these individuals about their results after having received Infiniti Matrix Stem Cell Therapy. There was no compensation for their testimonial.
Additionally, in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:
Federal regulations require us to advise you that all reviews, testimonials, and/or endorsements of any kind reflect the personal experience of those individuals who have expressed their own personal opinions and that those opinions and experiences may not be representative of what every consumer may personally experience with the endorsement.
All reviews and testimonials are the sole opinions, findings, and/or experiences of the people sharing their stories. They are not compensated in any way.
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise, that represents or infers that these statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and/or prevention of any disease.
These testimonials do not imply similar results would or could happen to you.
These testimonials are not intended to diagnose for specific illness or conditions, nor as treatment to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications.
We make no medical claim as to the benefits of anything to improve medical conditions.